Enhancements List to QOEv6

Thousands of new features have been added to Version 6 since it's inception in the fall of 2012. We've prepared a short list of the most notable changes to the software below. As of this writing, there have been over 230 releases of v6 during this time. You are always welcome to review the Release Notes kept on the product download page for specifics for every new release. 

  • Replacement of the Microsoft Acess ...jobs.mdc file with a new AWjobs SQL Server 2008 Express database. This new database was designed to enhance security of data, speed of saving and opening of jobs when thousands of jobs are present. 
  • Integrations of our 3D CAD engine to display cabinet front configurations. This CAD engine is the foundation to your ability to visually engineer cabinets by clicking on the parametric cabinet component to alter its size, associated with dwg or entire shape. All of these changes are recorded and automatically priced according to your manufacturers pricing logic.
  • Enhanced Prompts designed to process more complex information and integrate more graphics to assist in understanding the manufacturer's questions.
  • Introduction of Sections to certain manufacturers catalogs to help better control product presentation by controlling the visibility of the Global Groups, Item Columns and features. Sections are displayed under the Room Name on the left side of the Order Entry screen if used by a manufacturer during their catalog build.
  • Introduction of Global Exceptions to allow a user to change one global on a single cabinet in an Area. An example might be where the user might want to change one cabinet's Door Style from a Raised Panel to a Flat Panel when the cabinet becomes too narrow to be ordered as a Raised Panel door.
  • Redesign of the Item Properties screen formally accessed by double clicking on an Item in the list. This new screen will present itself in several ways as determined by each line item and set by each manufacturer. This screen will contain five separate sections:

1. Item List: Item Name, Description, Sizes, Finished Sides, and Notes (bottom center)

2. Att/Acc/Mod List: ACM's will show Name and Description (right side of screen)

3. Items Properties: Sizes of Item or component, Overlays, Hinging (left side of screen)

4. CAD Area: Predesigned cabinet fronts will appear here or custom CAD drawings may be created by the user and automatically included when Sent to Factory. (center screen)

5. CAD Tools: A CAD toolbar showing the most commonly used CAD Tools for the user to utilize when modifying an existing front or in creating their own drawing. (center top)

  • Recoded Globals: Global Options have been re-coded to allow for the turning on or off of Global Groups by the manufacturer when necessary to present the proper selections for an order. 
  • Item to Att/Acc/Mod Relationship: This tool allows the manufacturer to identify which ACM's should be allowed for each Item within the catalog. For example, the manufacturer may choose to prevent a user from adding a Waste Bin Accessory to a 9" wide Base Cabinet.
  • Att/Acc/Mod Relationships to Cabinet Component Relationships: This new tool is apparent when the manufacturer has chosen to utilize the Visual Order Entry CAD tools to present cabinet front configurations to the user for individual cabinet design. The manufacturer may choose to further refine the ACM relationships to only allow ACM's designed for a specific part to show when the part is clicked. For example, if the user clicks a left stile on a cabinet, only the ACM's available to be added to that part will show in the ACM Mod List on the right side of the screen.
  • Att/Acc/Mod Opening Validation: The ability for a specific ACM to measure the actual width of the cabinet opening to which it is intended to be installed to verify that the ACM will fit within that opening. For example, an 18" Base Cabinet with Wide Stiles applied to the left and right side of the cabinet may create a much smaller opening that may no longer accept a Waste Pullout Accessory. 




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