A New Milestone Reached with Conestoga Wood Specialties

AdvanceWare, Inc. a software innovator for the Kitchen & Bath and Cabinet Industries, announced today a milestone has been reached in the implementation of Conestoga Wood Specialties’ dealer quote and order entry software called Con-Nex. Over 500,000 orders have been electronically submitted and processed to date through Con-Nex.

Conestoga Wood Specialties, a leader in the Kitchen and Bath industry since 1964 manufactures wood cabinet components including doors, drawer boxes, and cabinet systems has partnered with AdvanceWare over the past 12 years to develop software that simplifies the customer quote and order entry process.

Con-Nex software is used by Conestoga’s customers to generate error-free quotes and orders for Conestoga’s Custom and Cabinet Systems product lines. Orders are electronically submitted and acknowledged back to the customer within 3 minutes, then released into production upon approval. Orders no longer need to be rekeyed into Conestoga’s Order Entry System but are uploaded electronically saving valuable time and reducing order entry errors.

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